Marble Countertops: Things you should know

Marble is evergreen. It’s loved so much that it’s even on our walls. The pretty marble is a wonderful choice for exterior and kitchen countertops as well. If you want to hop onto a countertop of nature’s pretty creations, marble is the best choice. However, there are a few secrets that you should know about marble. Marble countertops do not come easy. If you are making an investment, be aware of the future consequences.

They are classy and beautiful, but you should stay ready for that extra work

Search marble kitchen and you can scroll through thousands of options, but not without saving each of them for a reference! That’s the beauty of marble and nothing else. It’s hard to resist. The surface looks well polished, and classy, whether with gold or brass accenting. Paired with chrome, it’s perfect for a modern home. This multifaceted ability to offer innumerable designs and styles makes marble trending. But, if you are looking for something wipe-and-go option, it would not work. The porous nature of marble makes it demanding.  

Affordability factor

Depending on the type of marble you choose, you can have the least expensive countertop choices as well. Opt for a rarer, luxury store for a superior, premium look and the price goes up.  

High maintenance

Straightforward, marble is extremely vulnerable to staining agents like oil, wine, and juices. These liquids can seep deep into the stone. Sealing the surface can help prevent damage, but you still need to remain vigilant as the sealant may also go away.

Scratches are real

Sealants can work well in proper maintenance of the surface, but they go away due to acidic reactions. Marble is softer than other materials, so they get scratched easily.  

Marble countertops are amazing and classy. Your search for “tile stores near me” can pop up reliable names like STONE QUARRY, INC where you get professional help and guidance for marble countertops. 
